David Bowie. Prince. These stars are going back to their places in the night sky...
Like these legends, the legends of our lives, our loved ones are sadly not here to stay forever. I am fortunate enough to have grandparents who are alive and well from both sides of my family, but I am definitely realizing as I grow up and start making a life for myself that they, too, are aging. When we're young, time with these individuals seems slow and everlasting. But, the older we grow, the more we notice the silver hair and subtle wrinkles. It's a hard balance to keep because on one hand, I am so excited and jumpy to go off to college and discover the world but on the other hand my parents and grandparents have already experienced so much and I feel this obligation to squeeze out all the stories and secrets to life from them... But I simply haven't been doing that. I've been caught up in my own life for as long as I can remember. That is why this summer I'm making it a priority to talk, or just sit with my grandparents more. Maybe you can do the same. Just be in their presence. Cook, go for a walk, listen to music. Ask them about their life, their one, rich, awesome life. I promise that you only know the tip of the iceberg. And if you don't have grandparents, ask your parents, anyone older than you. The world is always evolving and the world they have seen has a uniqueness that is unmatched.
I know thinking about this topic is quite devastating, but we all know that life and death happen; the most we can do is cherish the people around us while we can so their legacy can live on forever, in the stars up in the sky, in the depths of our hearts, and in the little corners of the world where we least likely expect.
♡ sb